Make plans to attend the 2011 Chickasaw Annual Meeting and Festival September 24 through October 1. The theme is Liiholiitoblichi, meaning let’s celebrate!
“Chickasaws of all ages from all walks of life have contributed to the success of the Chickasaw Nation,” said Governor Bill Anoatubby. “From unprecedented growth in our economy to revitalization of our language and culture we have many reasons to celebrate as we gather with family and friends for this annual event.”
The 2011 celebration marks the 51st Annual Meeting of the Chickasaw Nation and the 23rd Chickasaw Festival. Governor Anoatubby’s State of the Nation Address and the Annual Meeting is Saturday morning, October 1, at Fletcher Auditorium on the campus of Murray State College in Tishomingo. The festival parade will immediately follow.
The week-long Chickasaw Festival attracts thousands of visitors each year. Activities are scheduled in Tishomingo, Ada, Emet, Kullihoma and Sulphur. Many exciting events are planned such as Cultural Evening, Art Show and Market, Annual Meeting, cultural events, entertainment, games, fellowship and more.
For more information, visit