The Chickasaw Language Basics application is now available on iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad.
“The Chickasaw Nation, under Governor Anoatubby’s leadership, has been a leader, both in Oklahoma and nation-wide, in the area of language revitalization. We are using modern, cutting edge technology to save something ancient and precious,” said Dr. Amanda Cobb-Greetham, Administrator of the Division of History and Culture.
The app gives individuals the opportunity to learn Chickasaw anytime and anywhere. It is the first of its kind to be developed by a tribe or Nation. Chickasaw Language Basics highlights hundreds of Chickasaw words, phrases, songs and videos.
Chickasaw Language Basics features Chickasaw speakers Jerry Imotichey, Rose Shields Jefferson, JoAnn Ellis and Joshua Hinson.
Chickasaw Language Basics can be downloaded for free at For more information, contact the Chickasaw Language department at (580)272-5310.